Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Green Smoothie Progress Report

Breakfast: smoothie of spinach, avocado, tomatoes, sea salt, cayenne and garlic

Snack: 2 cups of white/mate tea

Early lunch: smoothie of strawberries, spinach, chia seed gel and a couple of dates
This smoothie needed something, but I didn't have time to do more experimenting. It tasted okay, just a bit bland -- especially after my spicy breakfast smoothie.

Post-workout snack: smoothie of apples, an orange, cucumber, cilantro, lime juice, ginger and a touch of agave.
Wonder Girl loved this one. Next time I'll make a larger batch, but this one's just for me!

Dinner: smoothie of tatsoi, strawberries, mango, papaya, ground flaxseed, pineapple and an orange
1 cup white/mate tea

Dessert: kombucha

This all seems like a lot of food to me, but I've been putting in serious workouts, and I have to remember I often share my blender-full with the girls. It's hard to turn down kids who're begging you for greens, veggies and fruit!