Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Raw, but not 100%

So, I've had 2 clear deviations from my goal of 100% Raw this week. I used a small amount of Nama Shoyu (unpasteurized, but not Raw) and a not-so-small amount of balsamic vinegar. I didn't feel any negative effects after consuming these cooked ingredients, but in retrospect, I would've preferred to find alternatives. That's not to say that I plan to eliminate those things forever. I rarely use Nama Shoyu any more, but I still like a splash of balsamic a little more frequently.

Anyway, I'm back on target for 100% Raw through next Sunday.


yardsnacker said...

Balsamic is aged wine...and wine is raw! I've always thought when it came to spices it was not really that big of a deal, as some of the spices taste better than raw ones. But I'm a raw superfoodist. :D

Candice Davis said...

I don't really worry about spices and such, believe me. But I do like the experience of being 100% Raw every once in a blue. I love the idea of the raw superfoodist!

HiHoRosie said...

I love spices and balsamic too. I'd be sad w/o my spices! But it is nice to have those truly 100% raw days. Those usually consist of juice and/or smoothies for me. :-D

Candice Davis said...

I did a 3 day smoothie feast, but I'm not good with limiting myself too often. I used to find so many people to be totally strict and bossy about Raw. Glad to see folks relaxing with it.

TheWriterStuff said...

Would that my only non-raw foods were Nama Shoyu and balsalmic vinegar! You're doin' great, kid! Thanks for the writing support.