Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today's Yummy Food

Breakfast: Raw cereal of chopped almonds, pecans and dates, topped with banana mylk
1 cup coffee (non-raw) with almond milk

Lunch: Sea weed chowder with marinated & dehydrated mushrooms

Snack: 1 large Raw apple-currant cookie

Dinner: 1 huge salad of mixed greens, topped with sea weed, pickled ginger and ahi


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself about the coffee. You are doing an incredible job. Dean Karnazes, who has run races of 226 miles and did 50 marathons in 50 days, maintains an incredibly clean, natural diet. However, he gave up coffee for a few weeks, and discovered that life wasn't as vibrant, so he enjoys a cup a day and is in incredible health. From a raw foodist perspective, Natalia Rose says that coffee is not nearly as important a battle as refined flours and sugars and processed foods.

Thanks for blogging!